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The Brute That Walks


High Value: $2,400

Minimum Value: $28

Journey into Mystery #65 (1961)

In Journey into Mystery #65 (1961), readers are treated to four thrilling and mysterious tales. First up is "I Am the Brute that Walks!," a story where a scientist's creation turns against him in a rampage through the city. Next, "The Inventor" features a technological genius who is haunted by his own fears in the dead of night. The third story, "Fear in the Night," sees a man tormented by disconcerting dreams that may be all too real. Finally, "Kragoo!" takes us to a remote island where a group of explorers discover a terrifying, prehistoric monster. This issue is packed with suspense and intrigue, perfect for any lover of classic comic book storytelling. So if you're looking for an addition to your collection or simply want to experience these tales for yourself, Comics Into Cash has got you covered. Trust us to help you find the best comics out there.

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